Thursday, December 12, 2013

Cherry Wristlet Purse

Cherry Wristlet
Cherry Wristlet by ThomasPaulMurphy
Browse Cherry Bagettes Bags online at

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Alluring Wristlet

Alluring Wristlet
Alluring Wristlet by ThomasPaulMurphy
Look at Alluring Bagettes Bags online at


In this blog I will feature Wristlet purses with photographic and other design images that I have created.  The wristlet purse is a compact and efficient purse that many women use today.  And I will indeed include utility type bags for men with images that are more towards men; because I feel that they might appeal to women too!

I hope you enjoy my unique and proprietary imagery on your next Wristlet Purse.

Thomas Paul Murphy